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Food Teacher's Centre UK

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Everything Food (catch-up)

Everything Food (catch-up)

Booking options


£20 - £40



  • On-Demand course

  • 10 hours

  • All levels


Everything Food (catch-up) brings together inspirational speakers on a variety of topics, including curriculum planning, learning, subject specific knowledge, practical work, resources and much, much more. It comprises 34 different presentations.

Work through the presentations, creating your own CPD, dipping-in and out of the programme to suit your needs. Catch-up at a time that suits you!

Ideal for primary and secondary schools, teachers (trainees and ECTs) and support staff.

School ticket: £40!


The programme includes: 

  • Context setting - Ingredients for success, Fit for the Future?; the future of food teaching, and pupil health and wellbeing

  • Food teaching in primary schools and beyond - useful for addressing current practice, as well as issues around transition and resources to use (useful for planning Year 7)

  • The science of food – food science and ingredients, and food safety and hygiene

  • Developing cooking skills - getting started (inc planning), vegan, affordable dishes for KS3 and higher-level food skills at KS4

  • Best practice in food teaching, teacher insight – retrieval techniques, curriculum planning, strategies and practical solutions, barriers to attainment, and getting ready for inspection

  • Future of food teaching – from ingredients provision to mapping a new curriculum and uses of AI in food education

  • Updates from a range of organisations supporting food education, including the British Nutrition Foundation (Food - a fact of life), Oak Academy, Leith's, Jamie Oliver Foundation, Countryside Classroom, Chefs in Schools, Phunky Foods, TastEd, Cleapss, Rethink Food and the Chilled Food Association.

 The training aims to: 

  • set out and update you on the national food teaching agenda

  • outline a number of key initiatives and strategies surrounding food education

  • review resources that can support teaching and learning

  • explore practical ways to enhance and improve food teaching

  • investigate best practice and highlight practical and pragmatic approaches

  • showcase support that is provided by a range of organisations.

 Why enroll in this on-line course? 

  • Get updates about food education and what this means to you and your school.

  • Dip in and out of the training, focusing on your specific areas of personal development.

  • Take away strategies and tips to implement directly back at school.

  • Listen to a range of inspirational speakers.

  • Focus on your professional development - a certificate of attendance is provided as evidence.

  • Use the presentations as in-house CPD in your school/academy.

  • Attend from the comfort of your home or school (less time and money travelling).

  • Fantastic value - 2 days (and future online access) of food related CPD!

  • Be inspired!

This event was originally held live on the 28-29 June 2024.

Course Content

Section 1: Welcome
  1. Plan your own CPD
Section 2: Food education context
  1. Introduction
  2. Why teach food?
  3. Ingredients for success?
  4. The future of food education
Section 3: Food in primary schools
  1. Introduction
  2. British Nutrition Foundation
  3. TastEd
  4. Rethink Food
  5. CLEAPSS (H&S)
  6. PhunkyFoods
Section 4: The science of food
  1. Introduction
  2. Food Safety
  3. Food Science
  4. The Cool World of Food Science
Section 5: Developing food skills
  1. Introduction
  2. Fish in School Hero
  3. Affordable Food Lessons for All
  4. High level food skills
  5. Supporting vegan learners
Section 6: Best practice
  1. Introduction
  2. Technicians
  3. New to teaching food
  4. Curriculum and capitation
  5. Successful subject leadership
  6. Raising boys attainment
  7. Assessment in action
  8. Supporting vegan learners
  9. Uses of retrieval practice
  10. KS3 SoL planning
Section 7: Future of food teaching
  1. Introduction
  2. AI and the future
Section 8: Organisation updates - resources and suppport
  1. Introduction
  2. Oak National Academy
  3. CLEAPSS (H&S)
  4. British Nutrition Foundation
  5. Jamie's Ministry of Food
  6. Chefs in Schools
  7. Countryside Classroom
  8. Leiths education
  9. Chilled Food Association
  10. TastEd
  11. Rethink Food
  12. PhunkyFoods
Section 9: Further information
  1. Links
Section 10: Next steps
  1. What next?
